Kids talking big talk

One of my friends had forwarded this video of kids talking like adults and I loved it very much. Although the kid was very serious about what she was saying, no one took her seriously. Conversely, all of them were actually laughing out loud. Think about it, even if the kid gets angry and throws tantrums, we don’t take seriously do we ? If we do, then people will tell that we are out of our minds.

But let’s reverse the scenario. What if an adult talks and acts like a kid. Even if someone does not mean what he or she says, we take them seriously and hold the grudge for the entire life. Why is that so ?

In the spiritual realm, most of the people you meet on a daily basis are just like kids. We have to listen to them, take care of them, protect them, but we should not let their actions or words hurt us beyond a certain limit. Don’t let them know ( through you words or actions ) that you treat them like kids, within you heart, know this fact that, they have not matured and require more wisdom and experience in life.


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