Why do girls …………….?

Why do girls do not cut their hair ?
An amazing explanation by Sadguru as to why yogis do not cut their hair or beard

Why do girls draw Kolam ( Rangoli ) in front of their house ?

woman drawing rangoli
A common sight in Indian villages and town ( you might not find this in the cities because people have ‘progressed’) in the morning time is women drawing kolam / rangoli in front of their homes. Although they might have a huge list of work pending, which includes, but not limited to, getting water from well, cleaning dishes, cooking and getting kids ready for skill, they somehow squeeze in time to draw this intricate pattern. Most men and so called self-proclaimed intellegent onlookers might wonder about the total absurdeness of this practice consdiering the next day, it will be wiped out and a new pattern would be drawn
If you are one such person, I am sure you have definitely NOT heard about yantra ( you can read more about it here http://www.stephen-knapp.com/yantras.htm) sacred geometry, flower of life or Mandala (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandala) Thanks to my dear friend Sri Harish and Spiriti Science for introducing me to these amazing concepts

Examples of Sri Yantra



Why do girls wear bindi ?


You can read about third eye, here http://personaltao.com/teachings/shamanic/about-visions/what-is-the-third-eye/

Why do woman wear metal objects on their body ?

Beautiful explanation by Sadguru

Other areas where women have clear dominance


In almost all religions, I find more women spiritually inclined. Most places of worship would have a large number of woman presence ( unless ofcourse woman are prohibited to worship)

Substance abuse

In any part of the world, you find more men addicted to alcohol or smoking or drug abuse, even in societies where women have equal access to these substances

Obsession about wordly pleasures

Most spiritual practices ( sadhanas ) require abstinence from worldly pleasures including moderation or complete avoidance of non-veg, physical relationship with your partner and so on. Most woman can achieve this easily whereas men toil and suffer under the carnal urges of his body


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