If you have been a serious spiritual speaker, it would not come as a surprise to come across the different types of symbols found in several ancient religions. See below,
1. Hand mudra( Yoga hand gesture) by Jesus
2. Sri Yantra used by Hindus
Source : http://phaedris.deviantart.com/art/Sri-Yantra-Mandala-206797777
Okay there could be people who look at all these and say, “Does anyone, believe in these anymore?”
Think about this, can images or symbols invoke thoughts or feelings in us ? Before you say, ‘No’ think of a picture of a starving child, in your mind, especially this picture, which is very commonly used in Facebook ( see below ) where the kid has fallen on the ground and a vulture is waiting for it’s next prey; What kind of feelings comes to your heart ?
For most people, this picture could invoke one of these feelings, namely compassion, pity, anger ( why we have so much wealth disparity ) sudden sorrow thinking about the plight of the world and so on.
So, we have to conclude that, this picture had the ability to invoke feelings in us. Being an amateur photographer, we get to learn right from the beginning of our courses, what kind of lighting and composition invokes what kind of feelings. This concept is even used by cinematographer to convey the right meanings in their movies.
When we begin to search for the true meaning of symbols and pictures, which exists all around us, then that itself becomes a major step in realising the whole truth.