In your world, you are the king

When I was in college, I was worried about the ads and the movies which depicted guys of my age, having it all : girls, money, style and most importantly : confidence. Although God had blessed with several other skills and gifts, I chose to ignore them for the want, of the so called ‘required’ things to be successful in this world. Surely, I was not the king.

Things took a turn, when I started pursuing my graduation program, where I started creating a world for myself where I always won. Initially it would be something very trivial ( trivial for others and almost impossible for me ) like for example, speaking in front of a crowd and so on. Once I started achieving these smaller goals, I could set my heart on larger things in life, and guess what, I was achieving these tougher, larger as well.

Create a world for yourself, very less dependent on what the society or people around you tell you. The outside world, might set targets or goals for you, but don’t fall for that trap. Remember, they are mere guidelines. Yes, you have to adhere to the legal and moral standards, set by the society, but when it comes to personal life, small things do matter. Let you be the judge for the time you have in your hand, the type of passions you pursue, or the time you sleep or wake up or what type of food you eat or the clothes you wear, whom you go out with.

When you start doing this, you will start sensing a new freedom and power arising WITHIN you. You will definitely feel, your life coming under you control. You will sense peace, amidst chaos, simply because, now all the energy in you, is focused only on making the most important person in your life happy : and that is YOU.

You will start moving towards your dreams. Things which simply seems impossible, will now be in your hand’s reach. You will start overcoming fears and phobias. You will see yourself transitioning from an underachiever, to achiever, to an overachiever. At that point of time, the same people who tried to pull you down ( but did not succeed) will tell you, ‘Yeah, we knew, all along, you would become someone great !”

Always remember, at the end of the day, you alone have to be the king of your world. Assuming people will be happy, if you become their door mat, is one of the biggest wrong notions of 21st century. If you are not happy from within, it’s impossible to give joy and peace, to people around you. How can you ever serve from an empty cup ?

Now the world needs more peacemakers, lovers and people who serve from a filled heart. And you can be one of them.


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