Look at the bright side

Just a few days back there were reports on attack in Paris, which resulted in deaths of several people and injuring many more. The world’s attention was turned at the brutal acts of crime committed in Paris against innocent civilians. Strangely, there were several individuals who took to twitter and other social media, congratulating all the people who master minded this terror attack.

Now think about this, what does all these make one feel ? I still remember, several years back, when I was in college, one of my friends was showing this video in his cell phone to our friends and I could hear giggle from everyone who watched it. Later I found out, that the video was about a person being hacked to death by people belonging to a terror organization. Beheading videos still get a lot of views on several social media and video sharing sites.

Let me ask you this question again. What does, all this make one feel ? Should we give up on humanity, bent our heads down in shame on what we have become ?

Not at all, my friend. For every beheading video that is posted online, you will find dozens of video which support love, kindness and joy in the spirit. You can find several video by Osho, Dalai Lama, Vivekananda, Sadguru and several other spiritual leaders, who showed that the world can be a better place, if I, as a person, decide to change. When I change, the family around me changes, society changes and the country changes. If a change is expected, the best place to start it would be, in ourselves. Reminds me of the song, Man in Mirror by Michael Jackson.

All these masters who have gone before you, are out there to help you, you need to do only two things

  1. Click of a button ( on the video link of your favorite Guru)
  2. Implement what they suggest, in your lives

I would like to end this post by this amazing talk by Osho