Just like in the real world, your achievement and triumphs in the spiritual realms, matter only to you. Other people may be able to part take in the happiness, may be 1%, but only you would know what you went through to achieve your goals, just like in the physical world. I had lot of trouble travelling in the bus – due to motion sickness. But after one of the pilgrimages, it magically vanished. Now it’s almost like, nobody even remembers the past, where I was unable to travel by bus. Strange isn’t it ? But I think about it, every single time, I board the bus.
Similarly when you start with the mediation process, you may be able to do it initially for 30 seconds, after countless attempts, you may be able to extend it up to 30 minutes – but guess what ? Unless you have extremely spiritually inclined people around you, it simply doesn’t matter for them. Unless of course it directly impacts THEIR LIFE, that is, if you were an angry person, if you become more calmer, then they feel nice. But if you behave in a clam manner, to all the people around you, even people, whom your family, spouse, hates, then that becomes a problem instead.
So as all of us know, most of the spiritual things, are felt from inside, and the changes also happens from within. Did you just complete reading the bible / Gita and understood it’s most profound verses ? Nobody cares ! Realize and accept this fact. Remember, all these changes may not be clearly visible to the outside – which means, you should be motivating yourself. In this age of fake, misguiding information and Gurus, it’s very important that we have a clear guiding system, from within and navigate based on that.
So be sure, about the fact that the journey you are about to embark becomes more and more subtle and harder to understand for people around you, as you proceed further, but that should not stop you from celebrating your victories and dance in joy.