The best dancer in the world


We live in a world of reality shows, dance shows, talent shows and much more. Finding the best dancer is a matter of few episodes, some talent, a back story ( an emotional one, that could connect with the audience ) and some votes.

But according to Hindu philosophy, there is only one true dancer – he brought the whole of cosmos into existence. Amy Cuddy’s research paper speaks about Power posing,  how your body position influences others and even your own brain.

In the Nataraja position, or in several other poses describe in the Naatya Shashthra, those different poses might have power to create new worlds – if invoked in the right way. As Sadhguru once said, classical dance is not just another dance form, where overly sexualized dance moves and twerking and shaking your bo_ty is the only goal.

Every step in the dance counts, the dancer takes each step with elegance and power
