The highest form of punishment in most of the legal systems around the world remains pretty simple : solitary confinement – put someone alone in a cell for a very long time.
Now people might wonder, if that could even be a punishment ? Outside the 4 walls of the prison environment, you have to work hard, cheat, lie and sacrifice your time and health to earn your daily bread. But in these jails, people are being fed, clothed, with a roof over their, doing NOTHING. So it makes sense that most people simply, don’t get this.
But the fact is, facing oneself, is the most difficult things for any human being. All the distractions of the modern world, including TV, social media, or even a short talk with your enemy or friend, provides you with the much needed escape from yourself. When you are denied these simple pleasures, people go insane. As it turns out, countless people can confirm that, spending time with your raw self, is one of the most difficult things to do, in this world.
Realizing this, sages and seers from time long past, devised methods, where they voluntarily give up wither material possession ( including their own house, family members and sometimes even spouse and children as well ) and develop one point focus and look deep within themselves. The more they peered, the more treasure they uncovered.
Now you have to realize that, this is not limited to a privileged few. Everyone has the same right to experience life in the best possible manner, only if they choose to look at themselves a little more closely, without the distractions presented by the modern world, thereby letting them get a glimpse of the depth and breadth of their human conscience.