Original Sin

For your information, I am not a religious expert, as clearly evident from the posts that I have posted previously. But Khalil Gibran gives me a lot of courage to write about things that I feel comes from my heart

So back to the story. What is original sin?. As per the story from the Bible, when Adam and Eve( his girlfriend) were chillin out in heaven ( Garden of Eden) the serpent came and tempted them. The serpent said, “Yo homies, why don’t you eat the forbidden fruit which God had commanded them to not to eat and get high( reach higher)?”. They trusted the serpent, and by eating the forbidden fruit, they fell from grace and landed on earth and sin followed them.

Now there are many interpretations for this biblical ‘story’. One is that, Adam and had s#x with his girl friend, against God’s wishes ( ?) and they both fell from grace. Another story is that, they received the Knowledge of sin, and thereby lost grace. And another one says, they really did eat the apple, and thereby disobeying God and hence had to suffer.

Now here is my interpretation. What if the apple is symbolic of the choice to move to duality. Now remember, Adam was almost same as God, ideally, there should be no difference.Meaning singularity. There is nothing beyond him/ her (?) Now when this single force decides to experience things differently, as an observer, it has to move away from the original source. It has to set laws for itself and then break it and then go against it’s own will thereby setting Karma into motion.

I believe even if every single person reaches salvation, after probably a million years later, another Adam will come and he would want to experience things outside himself and then the process would start over again. The biblical story would have been created to make such a hard to understand concept within the grasp of most people.

Think about it my friend, if you had experienced peace in meditation even once, even for a few milli seconds, you will know what I am talking about. When you have everything in you, there is no need for looking outside for pleasure. It’s not because you have a deep desire for money or girls, and you are suppressing it. Because if you do, one day the serpent will recoil and come back at you.

It’s just that, you have seen the total wastefulness of all these, by knowledge and experience and you are no longer interested in this. And therefore, the concept that devil came from God, also makes no sense for me. It makes sense only to people, who claim they are with God and keep on sinning and claim that it’s not their mistake – it was Devil who ‘tempted’ them. They have never experienced a life, even for a few milliseconds, experiencing the true happiness of being one with the soul, where no temptation or desire arises. I believe, IF YOU ARE REALLY ONE WITH HIM, none of the world pleasures will tempt you, trust me !


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