Dear God,
As we try to cross this ocean of Samasara, it’s your grace and blessing that will help us reach the other shore. Today I learned from your devotee that the Bhakth is greater than the God. That concept struck me so hard and deep. That is, if the Bhakth calls out the name of the God, the God comes to be of service to the Bhakth. How beautiful is your love, dear Lord.
We live in a world, where people cannot hear each other’s heart beat but rather depend on words and technology to communicate their thoughts and feelings. Words can be misinterpreted and communication channels may be disrupted. But the doors of your heart remain open always and you are keen to hear our whispers and prayers.
Thank you God, for giving us one more day to praise your name and see your beauty in every single second of our lives. May we remember to chant your name, every waking second, and rise with the sun to your everlasting glory.