The best dancer in the world

We live in a world of reality shows, dance shows, talent shows and much more. Finding the best dancer is a matter of few episodes, some talent, a back story…

Be like a tree

Be like a tree, truly grounded, looking upto the sky and swaying to the wind. Let's explore the points, one by one Being grounded If you are not truly grounded,…

Boiling point

Have you observed water boiling ? Especially if you are doing this ‘experiment’ in a large vessel, with large quantity of water. Until about the first 10 - 15 minutes,…

Should life be based on getting the best

Saw this question on quora The more we remove the layers our our consciousness, we find, we need limited things to live and flourish. Things that mattered for us,…

Nature of ego

Swami Nithyananda explains the nature of ego and how it is self centred with a beautiful example ( starting at 31:36)

Seeking and living truth

If you partner or close friend lies to you regularly or prefers to hide truth or dodges your questions, do not worry. Do not fret over it. Why ? I…