Be like a tree

Be like a tree, truly grounded, looking upto the sky and swaying to the wind.

Let’s explore the points, one by one

Being grounded

If you are not truly grounded, when flood of issues come, you get uprooted. Also by trying more and more to reach the sky, you lose the grip of the soil beneath your feet

Looking upto the sky

Some grounded people, are so grounded that they forget to look upto the sky and enjoy the sunshine. They feel the spiritual life has grounded them so much, that they even forget to smile. Isn’t that strange ? They wear a saffron / white / green robe and if they have to attend any functions which brings joy – like may be a birthday party or something, they put a long face and start explaining about all the pain in the world !

Swaying to the wind

Imagine a tree, if it decided to be stiff, when wind comes, it immediately breaks. Think of a bamboo tree, although it’s pretty strong, it sways so beautifully when the wind blows