Last 6 months have been really challenging for me. I knocked many doors, sought different paths, but I'm more miserable than ever before Tomorrow is initiation day. Tomorrow is the…
If a person is bloated and overweight, a few minutes of exercise, every year, may not yield many results. Similarly, when you do a deed or two every year and…
I happened to to share with one of my friends about an accident that I had yesterday. I had inadvertently smashed my nose on to the wall and it chipped…
We have talked about a similar topic, previously. The world and the universe is, as it is. You can neither add nor remove even a unit of energy to it's…
Difficult question, huh ? Because, we feel that, we have never experienced greatness or that we will never become a great person. How about an easy question, instead ? How…
Why do people hide, in an intimate relationship ? Why is mostly everything about a person secretive, when the foundations of relationship should have been based on trust and openness…
Just like in the real world, your achievement and triumphs in the spiritual realms, matter only to you. Other people may be able to part take in the happiness, may…
Spiritual seeks always complain that the world do not understand them, and because of that, people end up creating roadblocks for them. The next time you want to go for…
Have you observed water boiling ? Especially if you are doing this ‘experiment’ in a large vessel, with large quantity of water. Until about the first 10 - 15 minutes,…