Had an interesting encounter with mom today. She had enabled ‘slow talk’ in her phone, due to which whomever she speaks will sound extremely slow. I mean real S—-L—O—-W. This feature exists, so that, people with hearing challenges could follow even if the person at the other end speaks too fast. Now the interesting part is that, since mom had accidentally enabled that, she was wondering why everyone is speaking this slow to her. My dad even suggested that, it could be because people who are in Bangalore after talking to the natives there, developed this kind of a speech problem, that they might be speaking this slow. When we disabled the feature, everything was back to normal.
Although nothing had changed, the ‘slow talk’ feature in the phone, made my mom and dad reach conclusions, which was far away from the truth. Think about it, all your memories, your perception and your view of the world, adds colored filters to every single experience that you have. This means, even though you may believe that you are always seeing and hearing the truth, the absolute truth, that may not be the case always.
The best way to find this out, is by trying to look at the scenario through a third person’s perspective. ( Although the old adage is to look through the other person’s perspective, I never found it to be useful. I always used to get more tangled and mostly I reached the conclusion that I was right) Also look for patterns, if you find that you get angry for no reason, try to find out, what triggers your anger. When you start observing, you may find a pattern, that might emerge. All these are proofs that we see the world through several colour filters and we have to try our level best to clear our vision.