Whenever riots or violence breaks out, anywhere in the world, I have observed the following 3 things happen
- People start inflicting violence
- First against their fellow men
- Then against women and children
- The last stage is when large scale killing takes place
- The next step or the one accompanying step 1 is, to destroy property ( houses, buildings car etc ) This may or may not be accompanied by looting and plundering
- Firstly, public property like government buses and trains
- Then private property like houses and cars owned by individuals
- The last stage is raping
When riots broke out in Bangalore, a few weeks back ( September 2016), related to the cauvery issue, we could see a similar pattern
- Firstly, people belonging to different states started beating up each other
- Then they destroyed public and private property
- Fortunately it did not go to step 3. Had this was a religious riot, it would only take a few hours to reach step 3 ( as mentioned above )
Whenever violence takes place, anywhere in the world, you have to remember that, these are people who have a regular life – that is, we are NOT talking about military trained terrorists here. I am talking about people you meet at your office, in the bus, or across the road, suddenly wielding machetes and swords and out there to kill anyone and savor the pools of bloods emanating from their victim’s bodies. Isn’t it strange ? A small trigger ( religious sentiments being hurt, perceived injustice to them or their community) and all these people immediately turn into blood thirsty monsters
Or is it the other way around ? Are monsters suppressing their carnal desires, pretending to be soft spoken and righteous, but waiting for the right opportunity to pounce on their fellow human beings ? We may not know.
But these facts remain
- Private messaging apps like whatsapp, are safe haven for people who share violent images, beheading videos, and child porn. Even in my college group ( in whatsapp), one of my friends had to be warned multiple times, before he stopped his constant posts about beheading and extremely violent images. Even back in the college days, people to share beheading videos, and the people who used to watch them used to laugh uncontrollabily. I never understood the funny part in this.
- On a weekly basis, I receive posts from members in one of the groups, I run on facebook, related to child porn
- The dark net, the dark belly of the Internet is another head quarters for people who misuse technology to spread hatred, violence and gore. I have been told that, when porn involving minors is combined with actions of violence inflicted upon the victim, it recieves more money.
In case of point 3, just imagine this, there are thousands of people who cause violence to the victims, shoot the videos, post process them, edit them, and finally upload them and wait for customers who will buy their product. The money they earn from such an endevour, they live a ‘happy’ life
So what should a spiritual seeker do ?
Just remember these words from gita, Chapter 11, verse 32
sri-bhagavan uvaca
kalo ‘smi loka-ksaya-krt pravrddho
lokan samahartum iha pravrttah
rte ‘pi tvam na bhavisyanti sarve
ye ‘vasthitah pratyanikesu yodhahTranslation
Lord Krishna said, I am terrible time, the destroyer of all beings in all worlds, engaged to destroy all beings in this world, of those heroic soldiers presently situated in the opposing arms, even without you, none will be spared
Realize that he alone is the creator, sustainer AND destroyer. If you are coming from one of the Moses traditions ( Christianity, Judaism, Islam ) it might be difficult to get your head around the fact that, God destroying the worlds.
But contemplate on this verse, and submit yourself in meditation to the higher truth, that you may see his Vishwaroopam ( true identity ) and realize in your self as well.
Tatvam- asi