You are more than what you are. What others see in you is a drop in the ocean. But you are the ocean, you are the best, and there is none like you.
People who are close to you and want to “help” you, find faults in you and let you down. Remember, they know the deepest parts of your heart and can use this to control you. Always remember, where were they, when
- You woek up from sleep with a nightmare ?
- You were lonely in your child hood days?
- Your manager did not give the raise that you deserved ?
- You did something terribly wrong but badly needed someone to share
- When the sounds of the world troubled you, in your mother’s womb ?
(This list goes on….. )
They cannot be with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You went through all these and you were alone. People “claim” to be with you always, but I don’t believe in that. On you way back ( death) a few tears would be shed, a photo would be hung, prayers would be said and everything is back to normal.
I am not against love, friendship or companionship. Love everyone with all your heart. But never let hurtful arrows of you loved ones, let you down. This day is much more important and beautiful than that. And remember, this too shall pass.
God bless and have the peace of Buddha