If you watch the financial column of any newspaper the day after there is surge or downfall in crude oil price or gold, you will find the so called ‘experts’ giving reasons about the rise or the fall. But the same experts cannot predict in advance whether the prices will go up or down. If US declares war on a certain country, gold prices may go up or down. But once it goes down, for example, people would come up with all kind of theories to support the reason for the fall, that is, they might say, people want to diversify their investments, so they have decided to sell their gold stocks and go for something else. Whereas if it goes up, then they would say, people have started buying gold, because they are expecting a shortage in the future and so on.
It’s the same with the spiritual choice you take in your life. If you are successful, people would find a 1000 reasons, why you were successful, but if you fail, they will have reasons for that as well.
So at the end, do not give a lot of importance to what people say, but do take their input, but always follow your heart and reach your destination.