How to be great ?

Difficult question, huh ? Because, we feel that,  we have never experienced greatness or that we will never become a great person. How about an easy question, instead ?

How to be miserable ? Yeah, well all know answer to that question. Think about negative thoughts, spend time around people who are negative, listen to horror stories from around the world : rape, kidnaps, murders, mass killings and so on. Indulge in activities which only give you instant gratification : alcohol, violence, pornography, venting anger/ frustration on someone.

So based on our experience being miserable some ( or all ) of the time, why don’t we reverse our experience ?

No, I’m not going to add antonyms for all the things I said in the second paragraph. Instead I will say only three things

  1. Be a master in whatever you are purusing : which means learn, learn and learn. Make learning a regular routine. Be ready to spend some good quality time in your pursuit.
    1. Learn
    2. Practice, what you learnt
    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2
  2. Copy the master : Look at the people who have gone before you. Learn their techniques ( for a guitar player, it could be hand placement and finger movements, for a singer it could be the way he sits or stands and takes the breaths and the way muscles in the throat and chest are used), their rituals, their way of life. Copy pate ( Ctrl+ C, Ctrl + v) it to your life
  3. Be at places where the masters spend time : If you want to be physicist, spend time in the best physicist labs in the world ( at least visit them once in your life ) if you are on the spiritual path, go to Himalaya once. If you love to cook, try to taste the food, the master chefs prepare and so on

At the end, when you do reach your goal, you will realize that there was nothing, absolutely nothing, that could have stopped, people, places or surroundings. It was all within you. You have all the potential to be great and the universe is conspiring to make you one. Are you listening ?