Importance of a phone call


For all those believers out there, this one is for you,

Jiju came and told me. “I got a miscal ( a call that was not picked up ) today”, I told to myself, I get several these days, from tele callers, insurance agents and cab drivers. I looked back into my computer and resumed my work.

Jiju was not willing to give up, “This one is a ISD( out of country call ), look at the number”, Okay, I looked at the screen of the cell number, it WAS indeed an ISD number. Jiju was going for bath and did not forget to take the phone with him, lest not miss another call from “OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY”

I leaned back on my chair, and thought about this. I realized that the distance of the call determines it’s importance. If the call is from the same city, you might give it a little importance, from another state, a little bit more and if its from another country, you might die to attend that call.

So, What about a call from outside this universe  ? What about a call from someone who created everything and what if he/she wants to talk to you ?

Dear friend, It’s time to listen to the wonderful voice within you, always willing to give you guidance and counsel. You might be ignoring it for a while, but not anymore. You are blessed more than any other animal on this planet in having this privilege to know yourself and also the power to embrace this whole universe as your family

(For the inquisitive mind, Jiju is just a fictional character. I use him/ her in my imaginary conversations so that these conversations can help you understand a concept )