Although all major religions of the world claim to be religions of peace, that may not be the case for the so called ‘followers’ of those religions, who sometimes tend to express their feelings on social media and garner support ( see highlighted text below)
Pictured above are Reham Khan – social worker and journalist, Swati and Malala Yousafzai – youngest noble prize winner. The commentator who claims to have the best interest for his country and his religion ( in several of the comments posted below the one shown here), goes on to explain how Malala is such a threat to his people. Interestingly, in this post as well as in others, amount of likes and support these kind of statements gets, in social media, makes you think about a lot of things, especially about religions which advocate peace and harmony.
We have different types of people in our society. People who love peace, harmony and willing to give up their lives for others. Also, there could be equal or more number of people who would want to bring pain to others, destroy lives and blow themselves up in the process. These days, what it now takes, is a change of name and by hearting a few verses and you are in, to fight the holy war in countries which you have never heard of. We also have to remember that the same holy books were used by the likes of Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa and Gandhi to bring joy and hope to millions of people around the world.
So what should you do, when you find hatred and anger in social media targeting someone so young and innocent like Malala ? The only thing you can do is to accept the situation, as it is. More than the pain that you feel, thousands of great souls, who fight the good cause, receive ridicule and pain from all around the world, on a regular basis, from people who do not personally known about them.
What you can do is to, send your whole hearted love to Malala and also to the person who commented on that post, who spoke such harsh words against her. May the God he believes in, give him the knowledge and peace, that he desperately seeks, but could not find. Realize that, may be, in a previous incarnation, we might have done or said things, harmful to another person, for which we have no record, in our memory. Realize that, this world is one big family – Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Love everyone and send peace to every single organism in this universe. God bless.