Think about this, if life was a business, then it makes sense to assume that we will always get our return of investment for things we do to others. So…
Had an interesting encounter with mom today. She had enabled 'slow talk' in her phone, due to which whomever she speaks will sound extremely slow. I mean real S----L---O----W. This…
There has been lot of talk about realizing the power within. I have also read about finding peace within and how you can go about, trying to achieve that. And…
Today I had a very interesting conversation with my Manager KrishnaMurthy He talked about how bad things in life do not last, that is, when something bad happens to you,…
For your information, I am not a religious expert, as clearly evident from the posts that I have posted previously. But Khalil Gibran gives me a lot of courage to…
You are much more beautiful thank you think, from inside as well as outside, radiating everlasting glow and happiness. If others knew, what I know about you, you would be…
In bible, you can see verses, where Jesus despises the so called religious righteous men, even comparing them to white washed graveyards Matthew 23:27 : "Woe to you, teachers of…