The lizard was on the roof. It looked down upon the people standing on the ground and thought aloud "Why are these people standing upside down?" It wondered about the…
Whenever you are alright, you find the world around you, to be in order. When you are hurt by from inside, you have the tendency to cause chaos and pick…
Does guilt and shame have power ? Our neighbor's son did not like the food his mom had prepared. It was too spicy for him. He simply refused to eat it.…
On my way home yesterday, I saw an obese person crossing the road. With so much struggle the person reached the other end of the road. During walking, the person…
Why do people hide, in an intimate relationship ? Why is mostly everything about a person secretive, when the foundations of relationship should have been based on trust and openness…
Although hand written history used to exist for prominent people around the world, none exits for the most prominent person in the history of mankind. Entire nations were founded based…
Te ant was returning home, humming a song, with its regular quota of food it usually carries, which comes around 25 times it's body weight. For a human being weighing about…
Just pause for a moment and think about the meaning of the above sentence - If your compassion does not include yourself, it's not complete. I have read that Gandhi loved…