Right to privacy

Why do people hide, in an intimate relationship ? Why is mostly everything about a person secretive, when the foundations of relationship should have been based on trust and openness ? Why is there a general tendency to keep oneself in the dark ?

Now this is what I learned. If you partner, friend, mom, dad, spouse is hiding things from you, it just means, they are either scared or it’s their inherent character to hide stuff. Either way, the only thing you can do in that situation is to see if there is anything in your behavior which is prompting them to behave like that and try to see if you can help them. In most cases, there won’t be much you can do and that means, you have to leave it at that.

What matters most is that – you should not take these things personally. And most important of all, don’t consider it as YOUR mistake. They have chosen their path, so the only thing you could do is, to give them more privacy and create an environment which actively encourages secrecy. Let them be alone and dry in the own private world and once they realize the true value of your company, they will come back. If they don’t, bless them and let them continue their path in the desert.

Since you are spiritual, you already know, how some of your other spiritual friends, know the most deepest part of your soul. You also know, how they share their deep most emotions with you. This just goes on to show that there are people in this world ( in the world, but not of the world ), who are willing to open up with you, share truth and look at your eyes and speak.

Always remember, this is the biggest danger – NEVER TRY TO BE LIKE THEM !!. Their secretive private world, is not a place for you. It’s dark, its lonely and it’s cold out there. I have been there. And I can bet, it’s not a place for you. Remember, You are open, You are free, You have love and You have nothing to fear ( Remember, perfect love, drives out all fear ). You have the whole world waiting for you. Let not these thorns be a hindrance in your path. Ignore them and continue your journey. This journey is more important than your best friend, son, daughter, colleague or spouse.

If you still feel you have no one to turn to, include that request in your best prayers/ meditation and the way will show up for you