Seeking and living truth

If you partner or close friend lies to you regularly or prefers to hide truth or dodges your questions, do not worry. Do not fret over it. Why ?

I know this may sound obvious, but this is the fact – they are able to hide things only about themselves and things that matter to them. It’s not that they have shut the world around you, to the inner most truths of the universe. It’s only a matter of time before their karma will be catching up with them. They won’t and cannot be a roadblock to your spiritual journey or self realization. Watch them with the same amusement when you look at the different stalls in an exhibition or circus or carnival, pausing for a few moments, before you move on to your actual goal.

And for you, the most sought out truth are out there for your grabs, for the true seeker. If you put your whole heart, on a day to day basis, nothing will remain hidden – the most wonderful secrets of this universe. If this is the case, my friend, why are so worried about the distorted reality of another fellow human being ?

I do understand that, for your day to day living, having a person who cannot be trustworthy is difficult. But as you and me know, liars often have patterns. They are predictable. If you observe them carefully, you can most easily predict the situations where they might lie. When you know this, do not push them to lie. There might be areas, which they will be happy to tell you the truth. Talk to them, only about those areas and also pray to the higher power that one day they realize the beauty of living in the truth and power it gives you.

Let me conclude, there is so much to know, so much to realize and so much to experience in this world. Ascended masters have spoken the truths, hundreds of years back – seek that knowledge. And don’t waste your life in investigating the lies or half truth of fellow beings who still haven’t experienced light, thereby bringing distress and pain to them. They deserve a better life, than the one which involves your scrutiny and judgement.

My dear friend, look at the sun, the plants and the trees, the music of water flowing and the star trails. Do you find even a sparkle of distorted truth ? Always seek truth and be part of the truth. All the spiritual books are teeming with truths, beauty and Godliness. Seek that.

32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32 ( Bible )