Te ant was returning home, humming a song, with its regular quota of food it usually carries, which comes around 25 times it’s body weight. For a human being weighing about 70 kg, that is almost like carrying 1750 kg of weight.
On its way home, the ant sees an elephant, carrying a small pebble on it’s trunk. The elephant was almost struggling under the weight of this enormous thing, which is, the pebble. The ant was surprised, it thought to itself – Why was the elephant which had so much strength struggling to carry a pebble ? It asked the elephant, “Friend, why do you struggle, so much to carry such an easy object ?”
The elephant gets angry. It tells the ant, “You have no idea about the pain, I am going through. My heart is aching. Did you know how bad my childhood was ? My parents never treated me well. Do you even know, how bad my day was ? At the very least, do you realize how much people hate me, at my work ? Do you know that, my friends don’t treat me well. Do you know, how much pain I underwent, when recently my boyfriend left me ? ”
The ant is still surprised and asks the elephant. “But how is all that related to carrying a pebble? Why do you find such a simple task, so difficult ? After all, it’s just a pebble!”
The elephant roars back, “You stupid thing ! You have no idea how difficult is for me to carry this feather. No wonder you are so insignificant on this planet. Don’t ask me any more stupid questions, and leave me alone. Let me live or die – how does it matter for you ?”
How is this story related to us ?
My friend, this beautiful Wednesday, I want to tell you only one thing. We all are just like the elephant, with enormous potential inside us, waiting to be unleashed. People and circumstances have made us believe that we can’t do something. The conditioning has made it difficult for us to carry even a feather. And this has to stop !
So what can we do about this ?
But now is the time, to rise up, and break from the shackles of negative believes we have set for ourselves. Rediscover yourself and do something new. Think of your childhood, with limited resources and support, yet we all came through school, college and found jobs. I know, you might have been bullied, looked down up, treated as an outcast, but remember, none of those should matter anymore. If you have something to learn from those instances, learn them, and move on.
Weren’t there people among us, who struggled, overcame difficulties and succeeded ? We never took NO for an answer. Some of us fell in love. Some of us experimented new things. We were never afraid to take risks. And we were so alive, back then.
What happened to that self ? I am sure, it has not gone anywhere. Its just waiting for your call, and once your embrace your true self, all that you need to fulfill yourself, could be yours. You will never look back.
Live like live fish swimming against the tide, and not like dead fish drifting away, to wherever the waves might take them. Believe in yourself and you will do great.