Transient nature of easy and tough times

Today I had a very interesting conversation with my Manager KrishnaMurthy

He talked about how bad things in life do not last, that is, when something bad happens to you, it cannot last forever.  I had a similar thought a few days back. All the things I was afraid of, when I was aged between 10-15, namely passing in exams, thoughts about what my future will look like, in terms of getting a job, engineering degree, my mom’s health, bothered me a lot. Now there is a not even a single thing in that list, which has any impact on my life now. In the same way, things which bother me, may not be even in the radar, 5 – 10 years from now.

Similarly if you are having a good time, even that has to come to an end. You cannot continue to have a great time forever.

I felt, what he shared with me had a lot of inner meaning and substance and I have decided to share it here.


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