Human minds are of two natures. By understanding human nature, let’s try to understand God nature.
1. Add everything to me – Human nature
When you are in a shopping spree, you want to buy as many things as possible. There are people who would do comfort shopping as well. You would like to believe that, acquiring more and more stuff gives you more happiness, security, and comfort. Especially in developed countries, this has become a big menace, where people try to acquire way too many things that is required, and often rent out containers, to store them all. All as a counter-culture, minimalism is spreading across the world.
Now for a second, imagine you are God. You have ultimate powers. You might add stars in the galaxies to your hair so that they resemble beautiful flowers. You would wear a black hole as a bindi. You would drape yourself in colorful universes and so on. The more you go on adding stuff, the less you would be visible.
Just like the clothes that you are wearing, hides others from seeing your true essence, if you are a human being, similarly your true essence of being a God would be hidden behind all the things that you could see
2. The second human nature: Give up everything
We could also see around us ascetic, sadhus, who give up everything that they have and are in the pursuit of truth. It’s the same with God again. He has given up everything that belongs to him and thereby has become the ultimate Sadhu. The greatest sadhu of them all, and hence you cannot see him anymore, because there is nothing you can call as HIS. And by NOT identifying himself with all these things, he has become that which is NOT, and hence he is in all of us.
Now when you combine both the nature of God mentioned above, then we begin to get the true sense of God – that is the dual nature of God. He is behind everything else, and he is nowhere else
Please remember that the minute you enter 4th dimension, you would be able to see the back of my hand along with the front of my hand, if you stare at the hand. Remember, the Carl Sagan video, where he explains how a 3dimenional being can see inside and outside the house of a 2-dimensional being, simultaneously.
So in order for us to understand these topics, we have to think beyond our 3d world. One such method accepts the dual nature of things. Eventually, we may be able to better understand more God concepts