What death taught me – Part – I

I was in my body, able to see hear and speak. Suddenly it became all dark. It didn’t take much for me to realize that I was dead or rather that, I was experiencing death. Silence and darkness followed with a coldness that I cannot explain.

I was told a million souls could exist at a single point. I was surprised to know that.

I suddenly had the desire to travel – but then, without a body, I cannot experience travel( no feeling of movement, no inertia) and without eyes I cannot see, if I am moving or not. I was told there is another soul ( but I did not feel good in his presence – I felt he was dark and bald – all were just my assumptions, since I cannot see or feel anything) who could make a boat kind of arrangement and make three people ( including him ) sit in it and make you feel, that you are travelling. Since I knew that movement does not exist, I did not find any point in contacting this person.

I was then told that, everything happens simultaneously and there is no concept of time, in the world of dead. It took a while for me to wrap my mind around that. Then I actually felt it – lack of time – being in a timeless state. As time passed ( or did not pass ), I realized I could not find if the sun was setting or the clock was ticking, there was no bodily movement either – no heart beat, no winking ( closing ) of eyelids and of course no sleep. Since I was nowhere, I was present everywhere and I felt everything happening instantaneously. I know, this is very difficult to explain, but I experienced it. Just like all my other dreams, this too shall pass, but I want to write down, so that it may benefit me or someone else, later.

I was told, I could speak to people in the world ( earth ) but I never tried that.