This was a question that intrigued me, since I was a teenager – ‘What happens at 18’ ? People are magically given the right to vote, license to drive, get married ( in case of girls ), have sex, right to own a gun and do all unwanted stuff, once they reach this magic number.
I was wondering what magical transformation was awaiting me, when I turned 18. Some mystical change, I was sure, which would give me emotional maturity, psychological advancement, spiritual depth, to take care of all the choices and responsibilities that came my way.
But unfortunately nothing changed 🙁 , other than the fact that we moved from Mangalore to Trivandrum and I joined UIT college as part of my graduate program. I continued to make the same mistakes, got angry for unnecessary stuff and my habits and addictions continued.
Now think about it my friend, all the people whom you see around you, might not have changed much, since the day they turned 18. Unless they put a lot of conscious effort for their own growth, in terms of time, self improvement, learning from experiences and spiritual advancement, it’s impossible to expect any more maturity than you can expect from a kid, from the people around you. Basically what you see around are kids in grown up bodies.
This is evident from 95 % of the people who react like kids, most of the time: Short temper, worried about the smallest things in life, succumbing to temptations, lack of self control and will, inability to handle difficult situations, no future planning, always seeking out help, immature decision making, constantly looking for hollow praises and compliments from others, spiritual hollowness and the list just goes on. How unfortunate is when you have to reach out to them for help and take their words seriously affecting your course of life ?
When you find people like that around you, do not feel disappointed. They are there in your life, for a purpose, learn from them and do not repeat their mistakes in your life. And if they are willing, teach them as well. If this person happens to be your partner or your parent, surrender them totally to the will of the God ( the higher power ) and ask for courage and strength to understand them and support them.
God bless.