Your true self and your surroundings

We have talked about a similar topic, previously. The world and the universe is, as it is. You can neither add nor remove even a unit of energy to it’s existing state. It is neither favorable or unfavorable for the existence of good or evil. Your life just depends on what you put your heart on and what you decide to see, in the cosmos and the surroundings around you. You don’t think so ? Let me explain.

I have friends who won’t clean up their own house, but would spend their entire weekend, as part of the city cleaning program, supported by the government of India, under the tagline ‘Swachh Bharath Abhyayan’ and making sure that the photos them holding a broom stick or a paint brush splashes across facebook’s timeline.

Although the government’s program is intended to bring about a clean and healthy environment in and around your house ( note the words, IN & AROUND ), fame seekers make use of that as a photo opportunity even at the cost of keeping their house in a complete mess ( spending more time outside leaves you very little time with the actual problem at hand : cleaning your own house ! )

Wars, famines, hunger, wealth, poverty, orphans, peace and love have all existed from time immemorial. Question is, how do you make use of it to fulfill your spiritual aspirations? Because, every situation has something to teach you, something new, something extraordinary. By looking at how you repsond to situations and how you make use of it, you can get the answer to the question “what is your true self” ?

Just like atheists, agnostics and believers, who all go through the same religious books to further and support their own belief systems, in your journey to find your own true self, make use of the situations around you to satisfy your needs and wants.